Celebrate National Grilled Cheese Day on Myrtle Avenue

Wed, Apr 9th, 2014

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This Saturday, April 12th, is National Grilled Cheese Day – why shouldn’t one of the most delicious and beloved by all foods be celebrated?! Celebrate by making your own at home and sharing with friends and family. Mr. CoCo, known for their fresh and affordable selection of fruits and vegetables, also has a wide variety of cheeses. They stock sheep’s, goat and cow milk varieties as well as a few raw options. In celebration you can get creative or go traditional with cheddar either way, top it off by walking west on Myrtle Avenue from Mr. Coco’s and get  fresh, homemade bread  at Le Petit Bakery. This combo will make your homemade Grilled Cheese Martha Stewart worthy, yum!


Mr. Coco, 414 Myrtle Avenue between Vanderbilt & Clinton Avenues
Le Petit Bakery, 354 Myrtle Avenue between Carlton & Adelphi Avenues